Réparer une synchronisation audio/video

Il arrive qu'une vidéo aie un décalage A/V. Comment réparer facilement cette désynchronisation ?

On prend l'exemple d'une vidéo YouTube qu'on va essayer de réparer. Tout d'abord on la récupère localement avec yt-dlp.

Liste des formats disponibles

 1% yt-dlp "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbiezAb_s-4" -F
 2[youtube] Extracting URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbiezAb_s-4
 3[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading webpage
 4[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading ios player API JSON
 5[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading android player API JSON
 6WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
 7WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying (1/3)...
 8[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading android player API JSON
 9WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
10WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying (2/3)...
11[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading android player API JSON
12WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
13WARNING: [youtube] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. Retrying (3/3)...
14[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading android player API JSON
15WARNING: [youtube] YouTube said: ERROR - Precondition check failed.
16WARNING: [youtube] Unable to download API page: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request (caused by <HTTPError 400: Bad Request>); please report this issue on  https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using  yt-dlp -U
17[youtube] MbiezAb_s-4: Downloading m3u8 information
18[info] Available formats for MbiezAb_s-4:
21sb3 mhtml 48x27        0    │                  mhtml │ images                                  storyboard
22sb2 mhtml 80x45        0    │                  mhtml │ images                                  storyboard
23sb1 mhtml 160x90       0    │                  mhtml │ images                                  storyboard
24sb0 mhtml 320x180      0    │                  mhtml │ images                                  storyboard
25233 mp4   audio only        │                  m3u8  │ audio only          unknown             Default
26234 mp4   audio only        │                  m3u8  │ audio only          unknown             Default
27139 m4a   audio only      2 │   33.06MiB   49k https │ audio only          mp4a.40.5   49k 22k low, m4a_dash
28249 webm  audio only      2 │   35.10MiB   52k https │ audio only          opus        52k 48k low, webm_dash
29250 webm  audio only      2 │   46.11MiB   68k https │ audio only          opus        68k 48k low, webm_dash
30140 m4a   audio only      2 │   87.73MiB  129k https │ audio only          mp4a.40.2  129k 44k medium, m4a_dash
31251 webm  audio only      2 │   90.15MiB  133k https │ audio only          opus       133k 48k medium, webm_dash
32602 mp4   256x144     15    │ ~ 73.26MiB  106k m3u8  │ vp09.00.10.08  106k video only
33269 mp4   256x144     30    │ ~150.91MiB  217k m3u8  │ avc1.4D400C    217k video only
34160 mp4   256x144     30    │   57.26MiB   85k https │ avc1.4D400C     85k video only          144p, mp4_dash
35603 mp4   256x144     30    │ ~127.70MiB  184k m3u8  │ vp09.00.11.08  184k video only
36278 webm  256x144     30    │   59.90MiB   88k https │ vp09.00.11.08   88k video only          144p, webm_dash
37229 mp4   426x240     30    │ ~266.55MiB  384k m3u8  │ avc1.4D4015    384k video only
38133 mp4   426x240     30    │  131.92MiB  195k https │ avc1.4D4015    195k video only          240p, mp4_dash
39604 mp4   426x240     30    │ ~223.48MiB  322k m3u8  │ vp09.00.20.08  322k video only
40242 webm  426x240     30    │  120.37MiB  178k https │ vp09.00.20.08  178k video only          240p, webm_dash
41230 mp4   640x360     30    │ ~615.26MiB  887k m3u8  │ avc1.4D401E    887k video only
42134 mp4   640x360     30    │  265.68MiB  392k https │ avc1.4D401E    392k video only          360p, mp4_dash
4318  mp4   640x360     30  2 │  332.47MiB  491k https │ avc1.42001E         mp4a.40.2       44k 360p
44605 mp4   640x360     30    │ ~401.59MiB  579k m3u8  │ vp09.00.21.08  579k video only
45243 webm  640x360     30    │  196.88MiB  291k https │ vp09.00.21.08  291k video only          360p, webm_dash
46231 mp4   854x480     30    │ ~  1.06GiB 1561k m3u8  │ avc1.4D401F   1561k video only
47135 mp4   854x480     30    │  532.35MiB  786k https │ avc1.4D401F    786k video only          480p, mp4_dash
48606 mp4   854x480     30    │ ~662.15MiB  954k m3u8  │ vp09.00.30.08  954k video only
49244 webm  854x480     30    │  349.23MiB  515k https │ vp09.00.30.08  515k video only          480p, webm_dash
50232 mp4   1280x720    30    │ ~  1.85GiB 2732k m3u8  │ avc1.64001F   2732k video only
51136 mp4   1280x720    30    │    1.07GiB 1617k https │ avc1.64001F   1617k video only          720p, mp4_dash
52609 mp4   1280x720    30    │ ~  1.18GiB 1738k m3u8  │ vp09.00.31.08 1738k video only
53247 webm  1280x720    30    │  628.63MiB  928k https │ vp09.00.31.08  928k video only          720p, webm_dash
54270 mp4   1920x1080   30    │ ~  3.51GiB 5186k m3u8  │ avc1.640028   5186k video only
55137 mp4   1920x1080   30    │    2.03GiB 3074k https │ avc1.640028   3074k video only          1080p, mp4_dash
56614 mp4   1920x1080   30    │ ~  1.87GiB 2759k m3u8  │ vp09.00.40.08 2759k video only
57248 webm  1920x1080   30    │    1.06GiB 1606k https │ vp09.00.40.08 1606k video only          1080p, webm_dash

Grabber les flux

On choisit les flux video et audio de meilleure qualité, ID 140 pour l'audio, ID 614 pour la vidéo.

1yt-dlp "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbiezAb_s-4" -f 614,140


La commande suivante va retarder la vidéo de 425ms, sans réencodage (donc très rapide et sans perte). On a estimé cette valeur manuellement avec plusieurs essais de lecture.

1ffmpeg -y -itsoffset 00:00:00.425 -i video.mp4 -i audio.m4a -c:a copy -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 output.mp4


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